Summer of Smoothies: The Green Monster

Green Smoothies are awesome for a reason: they can trick us into liking our vegetables. I know there are people who love eating greens – I hope to be one of them someday – but sweets are it for me.

This smoothie includes kale, health a health and beauty superfood which is loaded with vitamins A, C, and K, and contains over 45 different flavonoids. The pineapple supplies bromelain, known for anti-inflammatory and digestive benefits.

The Green Monster is a little sweet but carries a kick from a whole jalapeño pepper. Leave in the seeds if you like it extra spicy!

The Green Monster:

3 cups chopped kale
2 cups cubed fresh pineapple
1 cup green grapes
1/2 medium sweet red pepper
1/4 medium Haas avocado
1 medium jalapeño pepper (w/ seeds for extra spicy)
8 standard ice cubes

* Place all ingredients in a blender.
* Blend on high until smooth, pulsing when necessary to liquify.
* Makes 2 16-oz servings.
* 207 calories, 5.4g fat, 5.6g protein per serving. Full nutritional information here.

Summer of Smoothies Index

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