Makeovers in the Movies


Makeovers in the Movies: Pretty Woman

There are makeover movies I love to love - and some I love to hate. Pretty Woman is definitely one I love to hate:...

Makeovers in the Movies: Working Girl

  Makeovers always hold the promise of a better life - new beginnings, being accepted into a better crowd, or finally measuring up. But what...

Makeovers in the Movies: Miss Congeniality

There's a special genre of movie makeover: the Tomboy Makeover. Smart, goofy, and somewhat grimy, the Tomboy has lived her early life free from the...

Makeovers in the Movies: The Skin I Live In (La Piel Que Habito)

As January ends, it's occurred to me that I haven't posted anything about makeovers. And since January is National Makeover Month (in the US...

Makeovers in the Movies: My Fair Lady

Every makeover holds some small promise of a new life - as we try a new hairstyle or outfit we might hope for renewed...

Makeovers in the Movies: Now, Voyager

Makeovers are so often dismissed as superficial - nothing more than a quick romp through some stores and a beauty salon. But quite often...

Makeovers in the Movies: Vertigo

Makeovers in the movies are so often about brightening up the place: prettifying a nerdy girl, replacing a boring wardrobe - even spicing up...

Makeovers in the Movies: Grease

There's nothing like the vicarious thrill we get when we see a makeover in a movie. In the blink of an eye, a made-over...

My Writing

Chantelle Brown-Young & Desigual Bust Through Another Beauty Barrier

Beauty acceptance has hit a new level with Desigual's hiring of Chantelle Brown-Young for their Autumn 2014 campaign. Brown-Young, who models under the name...

Makeovers in the Movies: Vertigo

Makeovers in the movies are so often about brightening up the place: prettifying a nerdy girl, replacing a boring wardrobe - even spicing up...

What is Looking Young Anyway?

As a makeup artist, I get lots of questions from people on how to look younger. Maybe it comes in the form of "How...