Makeup Artist
Beautiful People
Behind the Scenes with Vikings Makeup Artist Tom McInerney
Anyone who mentions the TV series Vikings around me knows I'm a big fan. It's got everything: History! Violence! Men in Leather! And that's...
Beautiful People
Beautiful People: Way Bandy
To call him a beauty pioneer is no overstatement: Way Bandy was the first superstar makeup artist. And for photographic makeup techniques, you could...
Beauty Book Reviews
Book Review: The Makeup Wakeup
It's easy to assume that the makeup tips we pick up over time will accumulate into an always-better look. But after 40, that assumption...
Inside Beauty: Why You Can’t Match Makeup Colors in Magazines
Ever seen the perfect makeup color in a magazine and gone to the counter to buy it? It's never the same color. Or texture....
Lockdowns Destroyed Our Human Energy Exchange Economy and I Want it Back
My husband and I went to a comedy club with friends a few weeks ago. I was afraid to go - would the comedians...