Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: So Long, Sweet Summer
The Summer of Smoothies ends with an elegant and delicious treat. The So Long, Sweet Summer smoothie blends the simplicity of fresh summer melon...
Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: Watermelon Chiller
August can be a hard month: while cramming in as much vacation and beach time as we can muster, we're also getting ready for...
Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: All-Tropical Vacation Smoothie
Fruity drinks and the beach are made for each other. After a full day of sun, sand, and salt water, there's nothing like having...
Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: Nectarine Sunshine Smoothie
With the Nectarine Sunshine Smoothie, I could go on about nutrition, how nectarines are a balanced source of vitamins and minerals, low in fat,...
Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: Raspberry Cordial
The Raspberry Cordial smoothie is just what it sounds like: a healthy version of a favorite chocolate treat. This one is a little more...
Lockdowns Destroyed Our Human Energy Exchange Economy and I Want it Back
My husband and I went to a comedy club with friends a few weeks ago. I was afraid to go - would the comedians...