Summer of Smoothies: Mint Magic

This week’s smoothie is a light, refreshing, treat, sure to beat the midsummer heat. Its base of honeydew melon provides hydration, vitamin C and potassium, and the mint refreshes with its vitamins A and C. Add the lime and grapes and you have a healthy version of a mojito – and this cocktail can be enjoyed by everyone!

Mint is historically said to have magical properties related to happy travels and money, which is perfect for right about now: whether or not these spells work in the modern age is not ours to say. But the Mint Magic Smoothie is so delicious it’s definitely worth a try!

Mint Magic Smoothie:

2 cups honeydew melon, cut into chunks
1 cup frozen seedless white grapes
1/2 cup (packed) fresh mint leaves
juice of 1/2 lime
1 ice cube

* Place all ingredients in a blender.
* Blend on high until smooth, pulsing when necessary to liquify.
* Makes 2 12-oz servings.

* 105.7 calories, 0.7 g fat, 1.5 g protein per serving. Full nutritional information here.

Summer of Smoothies Index

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