David Stesner for AllureBy Meli PenningtonPhotography by David StesnerShare thisFacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedin TagsAllurebeautyBeauty 101David StesnerMakeupMeli PenningtonMy Writing Beauty and CultureFaking It "Beauty" has a reputation of being misleading. So much historical and imaginative treatment of beauty relates the fear beauty's power has over its subjects.... Beautiful PeopleBeautiful People: Jane IredaleWorking as a makeup artist, I'm familiar with the extremes of what can be put on a face. Plastic glitter, sequins, acrylic paint, theatrical... Beauty Book ReviewsWild Beauty Booklist: Awesome Beauty Books to Give (or Keep!) Books make great gifts, and beauty books make even better gifts - at least for the makeup mavens in your life. Here is a...My MakeupJeff Tse for L’OrealDavid Stesner for AllureAssorted BeautyDoug Inglish for ElleFrederique Helwig for Teen Vogue – MiamiJeff Tse for Vogue Taiwanmore to enjoyChantelle Brown-Young & Desigual Bust Through Another Beauty BarrierJodi Hilton Captures The Beauty of the Last Tattooed Women of KobaneThe Duty of Beauty: Vanity in Downton AbbeyBeauty Inventions: The Eyelash Curler