David Stesner for AllureBy Meli PenningtonPhotography by David StesnerShare thisFacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedin TagsAllurebeautyBeauty 101David StesnerMakeupMeli PenningtonMy Writing Makeovers in the MoviesMakeovers in the Movies: Now, VoyagerMakeovers are so often dismissed as superficial - nothing more than a quick romp through some stores and a beauty salon. But quite often... Beauty and CultureBeauty Archetypes: Tattooed Ladies (Part One)Tattooed Ladies! Even though we missed the circus sideshows that ran from the 1800's well into the twentieth century, the name itself conjures up... Beautiful PeopleAroma M Atelier Visit with Maria McElroy & Alexis Karl So often we think of creativity as a solitary endeavor - the artist toiling away in private, jealously guarding the secrets to her vision....My MakeupStephen Gill for New York TimesJeff Tse for Vogue TaiwanJeff Tse for L’OrealPatrick Demarchelier for GlamourJeff Tse for Vogue TaiwanFabio Chizzola for Glamourmore to enjoyFrederique Helwig for Teen Vogue – MiamiCole Haan Born in 1928Artist Francesco Vezzoli Shows us What the Ancient Romans Looked Like With Their Makeup OnAssorted Beauty