Contribute to Wild Beauty!

Why contribute to Wild Beauty?

– You’re a beauty/fashion/culture blogger who’s looking for more exposure.

– You have that one in-depth post buried in your blog that you’d like to highlight.

– You’re a beauty/fashion/culture expert who’s not committing to an entire blog, but wants to share an occasional piece related to your passion.

Why am I looking for guest posts for Wild Beauty?

– First, this isn’t my only job (and considering the pay, that’s a good thing.) Even though I love my subject, I get too busy to blog.

– I want to make Wild Beauty more social. I like my alone time as much as anyone, but I’m not really a lone wolf in terms of work. Which may be why I’ve been doing makeup so long. I have several ideas about how to expand Wild Beauty into a multi-voice conversation, and this is one of them.

So, how do you contribute to Wild Beauty?

– If you haven’t already, have a look around. You’ll see a lot of topics, very few of which are product reviews. This site is about beauty and culture – history, technology, theory, ideas, and opinion about beauty within the larger scope of world culture.

– Most of the posts here are about 1000 words or more and are definitely more in-depth than at other beauty sites. Please keep that in mind when pitching ideas.

– I do not ask my contributors for exclusives. It’s only fair, since I can’t offer cash money, so if you have an in-depth article you’d like to see highlighted again, don’t worry about it being published on your personal blog.

– I am not accepting sponsored product links at this time. Yes, I will include links to your site/business/product line with accepted articles, but contributions will be measured by quality, not the ability to pay. And I know what those “spun” sponsored posts look like.

– Contributors to Wild Beauty have the option to have your credit on the front page as well as with the article. This involves adding you to Wild Beauty’s site as a contributor, but if you have a few articles you’d like to write or share, it also makes you “indexable” within the site.

Interested? Email me: meli.pennington (at) wildbeautyworld (dot) com