Beauty Foods
Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: Full-Color Papaya
There is a certain hot dog chain in New York City, known for its cheap two-dog specials and something called a "papaya drink." Most...
Beauty Foods
Summer of Smoothies: The Green Monster
Green Smoothies are awesome for a reason: they can trick us into liking our vegetables. I know there are people who love eating greens...
My Writing
Makeovers in the Movies: Pretty Woman
There are makeover movies I love to love - and some I love to hate. Pretty Woman is definitely one I love to hate:...
Faking It
"Beauty" has a reputation of being misleading. So much historical and imaginative treatment of beauty relates the fear beauty's power has over its subjects....
Painted Ladies: Adele Bloch-Bauer, Gustav Klimt’s “Woman In Gold”
She was the Mona Lisa of Austria - her mysterious beauty enthralled everyone who saw her. For years, she was simply called the Woman...